
まずは手持ちのyear note 2016 D-67を見てみると、Cushing症候群、つまり慢性的なグルココルチコイド過剰では、白血球上昇がみられ、その分画は好中球メインであって、リンパ球と好酸球は低下、とある。


こんな時頼れるのはup to date。しかし大学からのアクセスじゃないと全文見られないのが痛いところ。一部だけ抜粋引用なら良いはず。

B cells and antibody production - Numbers of circulating B lymphocytes are reduced by glucocorticoid administration, but to a much lesser extent than those of T cells. Synthesis of antibodies by B cells remains essentially unchanged following short-term administration, but mild to modest decreases in serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels have been observed following short (eg. two to four week) courses of glucocorticoids. Low-dose glucocorticoid therapy appears to have little, if any effect on antigen-stimulated antibody production.


If glucocorticoids are administered chronically over a period of years, there may be a decrease in total serum levels of IgG and immunoglobulin A (IgA), possibly as a consequence of inhibition of T cell help and/or increased catabolism of generated antibody.


However, glucocorticoids may acutely promote B cell immunoglobulin secretion indirectly via inhibition in the function of CD8+ suppressor T cells. The effects of glucocorticoids on serum immunoglobulin levels may therefore be variable, depending upon the extent of steroid-induced antibody catabolism, the relative balance of T cell helper/suppressor functions, and/or concomitant immunosuppressive therapy.


In contrast, synthesis of immunoglobulin E (IgE) is often increased, which may be attributable to the enhancing effects of glucocorticoids on IL-4 induced B cell isotype switching to IgE.


